
We share our knowledge with each other, talk about new technologies, and discuss about tools' strengths & weaknesses.


We collaborate, share ideas and co-organize events along with other IEEE student branches around Greece.


IEEE own tagline is 'Advancing technology for humanity'. Our own primary act could not be any other than helping people grow, through talks & workshops.

Helping Others

Our core is volunteering. We believe in teamwork and helping people, without discrimination, working and advancing together.


We are not equipped only with brackets, commands and numbers, but banners, colors and frames too!

Web Design

We believe in an accessible web. We focus on keeping our web aspects easy to use while delivering the most elegant possible result.



Complete list of the members
of our IEEE SB

Women in Engineering


Most common questions about IEEE
and more specifically about our SB

The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) is a global technological, professional, non-political organization with the goal of promoting the theory and applications of the science of Electrical and Computer Engineering for the development of the profession based on social contribution.
IEEE currently has more than 400,000 members, of which more than 90,000 are students in more than 160 countries, making it the largest technology professional community in the world.

Students play a key role in the IEEE. Today there are more than 2000 IEEE student groups in the world.
Their purpose is to provide undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in the science of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or related sciences with opportunities for academic, technological and professional development.

  • Organizing seminars, conferences (workshops) and lectures by distinguished scientists in order to educate and inform students about topics related to the science of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or similar sciences.
  • Organizing educational trips and visits to companies and institutions engaged in the research and development of related sciences fields.
  • Participation in student competitions under the auspices of IEEE or others technological organizations.
  • Informing students about the activities of IEEE and opportunities provided to them by the organization.
  • Organizing competitions and awards in order to distinguish it.

The registration of a student as a member of the IEEE gives you access to all the privileges of one normal member with the comparative advantage of much smaller subscription. The IEEE through the pioneering issues and involvement in various professional activities, conferences, etc., gives you the opportunity to be informed of progress of your technology and industry, the latest industry trends and the most important ultimately helps you in your career.

  • You receive the award-winning monthly IEEE Spectrum magazine, which includes articles on the state of the profession, career opportunities and the education as well as tributes to the latest technology developments and their applications.
  • You have free online access to the POTENTIALS magazine for students and young professionals.
  • You can take part in student competitions organized by IEEE (such as IEEEXtreme, Student Paper Contest etc.) and to stand out internationally.
  • You can apply for scholarships for IEEE members.
  • You get free @ ieee.org email alias in collaboration with IEEE with Google.
  • You have access to job offers lists in European and internationally and in tools to promote your career.
  • You can participate in student conferences and meetings with others members in Greece or abroad in order to exchange knowledge and views.
  • You can participate in all the international scientific conferences that organized by the IEEE having special low student prices.
  • You save money with significant discounts on over 15,000 books issued by the IEEE.
  • You receive financial support for transfer to a scientific conference at which you have a post.
  • You use the IEEE Xplore tool to easily find anyone scientific article and access it if it is included in your subscription.


Upcoming events of our Student Branch

09 Sep

Winter School on Internet of Things

The Research Laboratory of Computer Systems, Security and Networks (SYAD) of Alexandreio TEI of Thessaloniki and the IEEE Student Branch at Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki co-organize the Winter School entitled "Internet of Things: Security, Communication & Application Challenges" on Friday 15 and Saturday 16 December (10: 00-18: 00) at ATEITH (Filippos Hall, main corridor)...

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24 Dec

5th Meetup for the new Website Development

Members of the IEEE student branch of the TEI of Thessaloniki use the need to update the branch page, to get in touch with the react.js framework and nodejs. We will try to make the most of the development in meetups, which will be open to everyone. This Saturday there will be a review of what we have done so far and...

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19 Oct


Let's meet!
On Wednesday 11/10 at 12:15 (Room 109) the group of students of the branch of the IEEE of our TEI organizes an event of acquaintance and presentation of action! We are waiting for you!
Detailed program:
–Presentation of the IEEE organization...

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International Hellenic University (Sindos Campus)
Thessaloniki, Greece


+123-456-7890 - IHU IEEE Phone
+123-456-7890 - IHU IEEE Fax